Best game engine for beginners(#1)?

Unity:-Unity is a free game engine which is very popular and not so hard to use.It was developed in around 2004.It is  a great game engine.A bunch of popular games are built on it.
       It uses C# and JavaScript as it's Scripting languages.It also supports FBX format.The best thing about unity is that there are a lot of developers knowing unity which is helpful for learning.
                You can also use AI in your games using unity.There are a lot of features that makes unity a perfect game engine for beginners.Some of them are as follows:-

Unity is best
1.It is very helpful for Indie game developers as they have low budget and In unity most features are provided in the free version itself.

2.Asset Store is one of the best features I Like about unity.There's everything you need to make a game.

3.The Unity editor provides a drag and drop environment for creating games. It is possible to create a game in Unity without writing any code but most projects require programming chops.

4.Unity users can use C#, JavaScript, or Boo which has a syntax similar to that of Python. The development environment runs on Mono, an open source version of the .NET Framework. Unity itself is written in C++.

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