Getting Started With Microsoft Excel?

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Hello guys this is Satyam,again back with another awesome blog and in this blog I am going to talk about Microsoft Excel,I am sure you might have heard about Microsoft Excel and if you are from investment banking, you are using Excel daily, and I am surprised by how little of Excel new graduates(as per different surveys) know. I am not talking about VBA either; I’m talking about good old in-built formulas.However, as it is straightforward to catch up quickly.

In this blog post I will share you some of the important features or uses or formulas of Microsoft Excel,believe me you will enjoy reading this blog post.So let's get started ;) 

1.Concatenating cells together with ”&”

In Microsoft Excel, & operator is a way to concatenate cells. This method comes in very handy in many scenarios because typing the ampersand sign (&) is much quicker than typing the word "concatenate" for the concatenate function:)

Similarly to the CONCATENATE function, you can use "&" in Excel to combine different text strings, cell values and results returned by other functions.

2.Arithmetic Sequences with SUBTOTAL

SUBTOTAL is a function that enables you to perform arithmetic operations to a number of fields. Average, count, max, min, sum, stdev(standard deviation) and there are many more functions that SUBTOTAL can support.

The other secret power of this function is that it only considers visible values. In other words, when you filter your result set (ctrl + shift + L, and filter), SUBTOTALS will only consider the values that are visible within the defined range.

3.Pivot Tables

A pivot table is a table of statistics that summarizes the data of a more extensive table. This summary might include sums, averages, or other statistics, which the pivot table groups together in a meaningful way. Pivot tables are a technique in data processing.

4. Lookup Excel functions

The Excel LOOKUP function performs an approximate match lookup in a one-column or one-row range, and returns the corresponding value from another one-column or one-row range. LOOKUP's default behavior makes it useful for solving certain problems in Excel.

5.Conditional formatting

Conditional formatting is a feature in many spreadsheet applications that allows you to apply specific formatting to cells that meet certain criteria. It is most often used as color-based formatting to highlight, emphasize, or differentiate among data and information stored in a spreadsheet.

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