Must use tools for Web Developers.

Hello programmers,this is Satyam,founder of,again back with another awesome blog and in this blog I am going to discuss about some of the best tools you should know about if you want to be productive as a web developer,so basically in this blog I am going to discuss about some great websites which can be used for creating UI or generating CSS gradients and we will also be discussing about some great chrome extensions that will make your web development work more easier and you will feel like a pro web developer and you will be very very productive.The only prerequisite for this blog is that you must know about the fundamentals of web development or simple word you should be comfortable with HTML,CSS and JavaScript and if you are not comfortable with these web technologies then this blog is not for you and I seriously advice to leave this blog post and go to for learning these basic web technologies,(they are teaching the best way).

The following websites will be very helpful for a web developer: : As the name suggest this website is specifically build for learning how to style a web page i.e. learning CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) . website provides free HD images of different sizes without any attribution and also it provides an API for putting random images in your site. website helps to remove the background of an image and some times it can be come very handy. is another awesome website for finding the gradients for CSS. website provides free SVG and PNG icons for your site.

And here is the list of some awesome chrome extensions,which are very useful for web developers.

AdBlock:If you don't like the stupid ADs you can use this extension.

ColorZilla:It provided advance eye dropper,color picker and gradient generator.

Cache-Clearing Extension:This extension helps to clear the quickly removes the cache and other browsing data in a single click

Thanks for Reading

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